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> frankly written in a very tedious way.

Ok? I don't see the contradiction. When I say "It is written in a very accessible way" I mean to say "you will understand it". Even if you don't have years of philosophy education. Which is sadly not a given in this day and age. "frankly written in a very tedious way" seems to be talking about how much fun you will have while reading it. That is an orthogonal concern.

> He says in around 300 pages what should have been an essay.

Looking forward to your essay.

> I also found some of his arguments laughably bad.

Didn't say that I agree with everything written in it. But if you want to understand what the heck people mean by AI safety, and why they think it is important then it has the answers.

> He mentions that AI might create a world of a handful of trillionaires, but doesn’t seem to see this extreme inequality as an issue or existential threat in and of itself.

So wait. Is your problem that the argument is bad, or that it doesn't cover everything? I'm sure your essay will do a better job.

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