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> You should also post the 2048 clone as proof.

I posted it twice already in this thread, but I guess third time's the charm: http://jacek.zlydach.pl/v/2048/ (code: https://git.sr.ht/~temporal/aider-2048).

It's definitely not 100% correct (I just spotted a syntactic issue in HTML, for example), and I bet a lot of people will find some visual issue on their browser/device configuration. I don't care. It works on my desktop, it works on my phone, it's even better than the now-enshittified web and Android versions I used to play. I'm content :).

It is too large for my phone display (iphone SE). Do you think chatgpt can fix it?

Yes. It does so trivially, but in the process it breaks the CSS for larger screens. I couldn't get it to get both to work at the same time in 5 minutes of trying. My modern CSS skills aren't good enough to quickly notice what the problem is, so it's beyond my horizon of caring (but I do encourage hints I could pass on to the AI).

>Yes. It does so trivially

>but in the process it breaks the CSS for larger screens.

So, no, it doesn’t fix it trivially. Also isn’t correctly sized on iPhone 11 Safari.

It does fix it trivially, just in a way that causes regression on larger screens :).

As mentioned above, I don't care. It's sized correctly for the devices I use to play it, and I'm not going to put any more work into this. I mean, even junior web devs get paid stupidly high salaries for doing Responsive Web Design; I ain't gonna work on this for free.

(But I will accept AI-generated patches, or human-generated advice I could paste into the prompt to get a correct solution :P.)

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