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Repeat after me: "AI hype" is not like Bitcoin hype, it's like Dot-com boom.

Generative models are already changing how people live and work. Ignore the grifters, and ignore the entrepreneurs. Look at civilians, regular folks, and watch how it impacts them.

I see you saying this all over this topic and yet I don't know anyone who uses AI for anything real. I've never used it once for anything, and I work in tech. The only people I know who use AI are kids who use it to do their homework for them. I'm sure they love it, but it's hardly a good thing.

It's like hiring someone to go to the gym for you, as far as I can see.

Oh the belief is so strong! Wouldn't it be great if this were true.

It's not hard to have strong beliefs about something that's real.

To be fair to Bitcoin, the world's largest economic bloc is actively building an alternative to USD/Western banks for international settlements, with blockchain technology.

It doesn't have anything to do with the libertarian vision of BTC but it's the same technical concept.

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