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Writebook: Instantly publish your own books on the web for free (once.com)
35 points by ksec 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments


“Can I export Kindle, PDF, ePUB, or other formats from Writebook? Not currently, no. Writebook purely publishes web-based books. We may add other export formats down the road.”

This would, indeed, be a very useful feature, along with having a webview optimized for printing on paper.

Check out Softcover: https://www.softcover.io/ -- open source (no license needed), ruby based, and supports LaTeX and exporting to other formats.

I've been using Softcover to publish my runbooks for years.

>Can I charge for the books I publish using Writebook?

>We don’t offer a way to sell your books through Writebook, but if you want to put a paywall in front of your copy of Writebook, that’s up to you. However, the software license[0] “does not include the rights to publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, source code or products derived from it.” Further, you can not, for example, sell a separate hosted service on top of Writebook using Writebook code.

The text here would probably constitute implied license, but the fine print doesn't exactly back up what they're claiming. The license says:

>Permission is hereby granted to any person purchasing or receiving a copy of a ONCE product (Campfire or Writebook), its source code and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to install and use a single instance and modify a single version of the Software as provided. This does not include the rights to publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, source code or products derived from it.

Strictly speaking, the JavaScript code that is part of Writebook will be distributed to every user, and running the server component is a public performance. So that's already two exclusive rights of copyright being violated by just using Writebook normally. To be clear, the license doesn't mention public performance, but running a server like this almost certainly is public performance even if it didn't have JavaScript code. Furthermore, the license does not say you cannot sell hosting services relating to Writebook, it just says you can't "sell copies", which is a different thing from using (and publicly performing) the software.

[0] https://once.com/license

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