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Penrose's entire thesis seems to boil down that AGI is impossible because brains use Quantum Oogly-Boogly and that since Quantum Oogly-Boogly isn't computable, no computer can do it. The Emperor's New Mind is a tour de force of a book, but its central premise feels thoroughly unconvincing, or at least poorly communicated.

It's been a long time since I've read TENM but I don't think Penrose argued that AGI was impossible, just that consciousness was not computable by a Turing machine. Presumably you could create AGI by utilising these quantum effects if it turns out that Penrose is correct and they do something.

I wouldn't particularly bet on Penrose being correct but until someone figures out how consciousness actually works or proves that it's somehow a big self-convincing illusion I don't think we can completely discount the idea that there's some kind of physics involved.

> I wouldn't particularly bet on Penrose being correct but until someone figures out how consciousness actually works or proves that it's somehow a big self-convincing illusion I don't think we can completely discount the idea that there's some kind of physics involved.

Despite my flippant rejection of Penrose I very much agree. I just thought the computational approach was misguided and his colleagues did him dirty.

The universe is a quantum computer that computes itself, so it’s certainly possible.

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