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> "Figuring out whether a single given program halts is decidable"

What does "decidable" mean in this context? Simply running the program may not be sufficient to know whether or not it halts. One could have a program that loops infinitely but never repeats the same state. So it will never halt, nor will its looping be obvious. So does it count as "decidable" if we cannot yet prove whether or not it's looping?

Not knowing the configuration of a TM at time t without running it (or similarly involved computation) doesn't mean that we cannot divide the space of TMs into classes.

One class has to each TM an associated mathematical function mapping inputs to nonnegative integers that tells you the exact integral time at which the TM transitions to the halting state. This is the class of decidable TMs.

The other class contains every TM not in the first class. For this class, any choice of such a function is provably wrong for some input. This is the class of undecicdable TMs.

Both classes are nonempty, and their existence is just about as well-defined as many other common mathematical objects. It is just not possible to provide a "nice" alternative characterization which TMs fall under which class.

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