"Good educators" are not solving difficult problems, they're teaching about long-standing solutions to long-understood problems. Long-standing solutions to long-understood problems in software engineering are called "packages" or "libraries" and it usually takes a single command to include them. We're talking about building software, not teaching.
The "explain it to a child" comes after decades of humanity's understanding something. Feynman might have been able to explain quantum mechanics to a child, but quantum mechanics was roughly 90 years old at the time. Nobody would have said Michelson and Morley were introducing "incidental complexity" into their experiment because they couldn't explain why the diffraction pattern looked so weird. What are the odds that they're working on an actual difficult problem!? They must be stupid.
You ignored my comment about fusion power and didn't give any examples of someone actually explaining why the Collatz Conjecture is hard. Nobody knows. The first person who deeply understands why the Collatz Conjecture is so hard is going to be the one who solves it. That's what life is like when you're near the edge of humanity's understanding.
> the chances that the thing the proverbial "you" is working on is one of the incredibly difficult things is very unlikely.
On the contrary. Being on the cutting edge of software engineering is incredibly easy. The discipline is (arguably) about 100 years old. The space of problems is unfathomably vast. Software engineering is applicable to literally any other discipline: pick any one and you should immediately find throngs of unsolved (hard) problems around how to apply software approaches to that problem.
And when anyone in the industry solves a specific problem, that specific problem is largely solved forever, for everyone, for free. So if you're not working on a difficult problem, what are you doing? Copy/pasting what someone else did?
The "explain it to a child" comes after decades of humanity's understanding something. Feynman might have been able to explain quantum mechanics to a child, but quantum mechanics was roughly 90 years old at the time. Nobody would have said Michelson and Morley were introducing "incidental complexity" into their experiment because they couldn't explain why the diffraction pattern looked so weird. What are the odds that they're working on an actual difficult problem!? They must be stupid.
You ignored my comment about fusion power and didn't give any examples of someone actually explaining why the Collatz Conjecture is hard. Nobody knows. The first person who deeply understands why the Collatz Conjecture is so hard is going to be the one who solves it. That's what life is like when you're near the edge of humanity's understanding.
> the chances that the thing the proverbial "you" is working on is one of the incredibly difficult things is very unlikely.
On the contrary. Being on the cutting edge of software engineering is incredibly easy. The discipline is (arguably) about 100 years old. The space of problems is unfathomably vast. Software engineering is applicable to literally any other discipline: pick any one and you should immediately find throngs of unsolved (hard) problems around how to apply software approaches to that problem.
And when anyone in the industry solves a specific problem, that specific problem is largely solved forever, for everyone, for free. So if you're not working on a difficult problem, what are you doing? Copy/pasting what someone else did?