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I just open vi with default settings and am productive right away. I tried VS Code and couldn't get a "hello world" example to run out of the box after a half hour of trying.

Who cares about other editors, vi is good enough.

> I just open vi with default settings and am productive right away. I tried VS Code and couldn't get a "hello world" example to run out of the box after a half hour of trying.

I take it that you've learned vim (otherwise you wouldn't be "productive right away" - you wouldn't even know how to input text or save a file) whereas you had apparently never tried vscode before. How can that be a fair comparison?

And it's fine. Do what works for you. I just don't think playing with editor endlessly is a well spent time. It makes you feel like you do actual work when you don't. In my opinion.

You only play with the editor endlessly if you’re the type of person to play with the editor endlessly.

My vimrc was set up over the years a bit at a time based on my needs. After several years, I did an overhaul based on what I truly need and don’t need from experience. I rarely change anything in it these days. Maybe a few lines if I start using a new language.

With that stated, most of my vim use is still understanding buffers and motions, which takes no configuration.

These days you can write your neovim config in a real language -- lua. I used a pre-defined config called Lazy that does everything vscode can. Then I started tweaking shortcuts, removing and adding plugins, learning more lua.

Then, after I knew what I wanted, I wrote my config from scratch with only the plugins and settings and keybinds I wanted.

It was a very fun process for me. I enjoy simply using my editor. It makes me want to code. I don't get that same level of joy or customization from vscode -- which is phenomenal software btw.

e: replied to the wrong comment in the chain, but the point stands! Customization is how I got into programming. Crafting a status bar on linux, tweaking colorschemes, etc. Don't hate on the tinkerers just because it's not how you enjoy to work. It can be immensely valuable

The VS Code launch settings crap is a mess. But like as an editor, it's an editor. You can just use it like that. It works well and has good defaults, you can open a terminal with a hotkey, etc.

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