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Would you currently recommend Remix over Next.JS? I just started a Next.JS project (trying it as a long time Gatsby user) but am worried about what I am reading here.

I've had a rough transition from Remix 1 to Remix 2 for a couple of web apps I've worked on, but overall I still feel like the Remix model just works better. That being said, I'm probably not the best person to make a recommendation in this sense as I'm looking to go back to a sane job working with .NET MVC or PHP Laravel and just a bit of dynamic frontend sprinkled on top.

It's by the makers of React Router, who've refactored their codebase 6 different times with breaking changes each time, causing a lot of pain for those who used it and wanted to upgrade. That is the main thing that causes me to not want to use Remix these days.

Moving from Gatsby to Next's pages router is definitely an upgrade. Pages router is awesome and easy to understand.

I would; it's a lot easier to use and reason about. that being said, it feels like we've come full circle back to the early 00s with form posts for submitting changes rather than fetch/xhr

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