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What proofs do you have that he is doing that? I mean I'm not him and my first instinct if I saw your previous comment "What are you even talking about. When is the last time you went to comedycentral.com to watch something... This is giant self-righteous paragraph of junk." would be to downvote it.

I'd downvote it because of "self-righteous paragraph of junk." and because I strongly believe that historical content should be maintained.

Account from 2023 accusing account from 2007. Mmmm.

I don't really care to recover my older account on my MBP with a dead logic board. Do you want me to recover a really old account for a measurement-contest

Accusing people of the very thing you are doing is quite the play.

an old account I can't log into versus multiple accounts across laptop/desktop/phone is not really a play.

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