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I also haven't gone to a library recently to read the Iliad, that doesn't mean I'm ok with all copies being burned.

This is the same as Facebook/Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, etc. taking something down for "hate speech" or "community guidelines". OP reported my original comment the same way Paramount removed content. Bit of a double-standard. I advocate for torrent, to believe in a large corporation to up-hold content (like a comment on the internet, or a TV series) who is surprised it moved to a paid streaming service.

I don't think it's even possible for a user to down-vote a direct reply to their own comment.

I can't see the post you're complaining about; but based on the tone of the rest of your messages, maybe you were just off topic or rude-atop-the-soapbox and others flagged you?


If you believe so contact the HN mods, it's very frowned upon to use comments to accuse people of brigading.

That’s kind of the point though isn’t it? Why not just put this on Paramount+ or gate that through Paramount+?

They have tons of content, why not make it available? Because it’s difficult, and they don’t see the value prop, even even though there may be one.

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