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How I got my first paying customer (lscott3.com)
16 points by lscott3 on June 7, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

What was the response like when you originally posted on Reddit? Which subreddit did you post in?

Reddit seems like a great place to test ideas, but I'd be concerned about being labelled as a spammer.

The response wasn't too bad. I didn't get a whole bunch though. I didn't try to spam em either. Here is the post:


Good job — you validated your idea, hustled, and launched. Most people don't get to accomplish this. I wish you the best of luck.

Planning on doing an AdWords or targeted Facebook campaign?

I at least plan to try out one of those $100 free Google Adwords setups to dip my toe into marketing. I am not an Adwords pro.

Yeah same here, complicated. :D

I also plan to do some more in person visits around my area (Columbus, Ohio) to give a demo on it. Not sure on how that will work but it is worth a shot.

Tried your app. Looks good. But I got "something went wrong" error pages couple of times (sign up). Probably Heroku making you look bad!

Yeah! I had to choose to wait on Heroku or get the post out I chose to get the post out. I will take a look at the logs and see what happened. Thanks for trying it out though!

I see the error, bad link on my part :)

You need an apostrophe after "clients" in "Copper helps you manage your clients assets."

Thanks! Never claimed to be a writer!

Way to Go!

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