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Would be fun to read a writeup of how you implemented it.

it's a tiny flask server, a bitset stored in redis, updates broadcast (too frequently! but i don't want to change it now) via websockets, and react-window to only render the checkboxes that are in view.

I'll do a writeup when i finish putting out fires!

I don't understand, where is the AI + LLM part

Each time a checkbox is checked, a backend job asks ChatGPT to analyze the board state and write a script using Brainfuck that updates the checkbox states and runs it directly in production.

AI LLM cloud crypto.

You said crypto but you forgot where running it in production writes the checkbox change event to the blockchain. Checkbox display states only get read from the blockchain, obvi. Otherwise how could it possibly be secure

Checkboxcoin will be a separate product though, that's for the funding

How can I pump? 3 months from now I should dump.

But can I mint an NFT of my checkbox designs?

You forgot to add NFTs.

retching noises

Actual Intelligence + Logical Language Manifestation

for future readers, i ended up swapping things out and batching my updates. spooky to do live, but helped a lot with performance

You could sell T-shirts to cover your costs:

A T-shirt with a checked box on the front an unchecked box on the back.

A T-shirt with an unchecked box on the front and a checked box on the back.

You have two bits, which clearly results in four shirts.

Fun challenge: userscript to make an animated fire out of checkboxes

userscript to make real fire on hosted server for bonus points

But how did you do this without (ab)using a blockchain? You'll never get get funding like this...

I don't think you can put out a fire like this. Should have tried some kind of webrtc and Kademilia network and crypto to eventually communicate all updates.

> react-window

I'm confused, I read everyday on hacker news that react is the slowest JS framework ever made. Seems fine to me.

By the performance of it, probably some bloated server-side Javascript running on a toaster.

that's not fair it's a slow python server running across 5 toasters

How else do you propose a toaster generate heat to make the toast? At least it's not the thermostat so it thinks the AC needs to constantly be running. So there's quite a bit of positive logic in the toaster decision

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