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I think what parent actually means is that there are better solutions for it than insurance. E.g. a central registry of ownership and liens would probably solve 99% of the cases that you need insurance for. The insurance is a scam in the way that there are technical solutions that would obviate the need for this "service", but that solution is against the interests of the service providers. Very much like tax returns, which are a solved problem in many countries for the majority of the population because the authorities already have all the data they need. Most people should not need to faff around with them. In the US however, the tax return lobby is strong and effectively prevents the government from making it easy...

In those cases where the government handles recording all transfer, there is typically a fund which covers loss due to fraudulent or erroneous transfers. Thus there is still title insurance, it's just hidden from view.

A lot of Americans would rather pay $1000 to a private service than $900 in higher taxes. It's the principle of the matter. Government bad. Privatization, "choice" between the oligopoly businesses, and public-private partnerships good.

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