Hi there, I'm Aviral Dasgupta (http://www.aviraldg.com), a sixteen-year-old with a interest in web development (in Python) and a passion for solving problems.
I'm not looking for something big (I already do some open source stuff); just something that can either give me practical experience or the kind of cash required to fund my own projects. So, do you have a project you need done? Please tell me about it here.
Also, what should I do next? What should I learn?
More about me:
- Started developing when I was 11 or 12, with PHP and created a (rather simple) Twitter clone.
- I was a Grand Prize Winner in Google Code-in 2010 for my work with open source software. (http://google-opensource.blogspot.in/2011/02/google-code-in-grand-prize-winners.html)
- Involved with quite a few open source projects like Django (Python), Tux4Kids (C/SDL), OpenIntents (Android/Java)
- Here's my SO profile: http://stackoverflow.com/users/152873/aviraldg
- I've got quite some experience developing in Python (and Django), I've also done some front-end stuff with JavaScript.
- I'm currently dabbling with Flask, SQLAlchemy and data visualization and working on a top-secret project (which requires aforementioned funding.)
If you want a job at a software company, you'll want to get good at reading other people's code and fixing bugs in older, larger codebases. Ensure you are an effective communicator by practicing your writing skills (http://www.mcsweeneys.net/articles/the-ultimate-guide-to-wri...). The ability to speak and talk to other people (and in front of them) will prove invaluable, especially in an industry that still is saturated with people who are poor communicators.
If you need practice on building things, check out the "Somebody Make This" subreddit (I'd like to it, but reddit seems to be down at the moment).
My email is in my HN profile -- shoot me a message. I might have a small project I can hook you up with.