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I think this thinking is fantasy.

>are you claiming that not once has anyone sent Wikileaks negative information on him or his campaign, and that's the only reason we haven't seen any?

There is nothing that wikileaks is even credibly accused of suppressing. Trump leaks are found on the front page of the new york times. Lead story of CNN, NBC, CBS, wapo, wsj and fox. Eg his tax return. There is no need for whistleblowers to send things to wikileaks. If wkileaks didn't publish, you'd see it and also likely claims from the source that it happened.

"There must be massive trump dirt so if we haven't seen it that's wikileaks supressing it." Difficult to believe.

Again if there is /any/ credible accusation that wikileaks suppressed /anything/ at all in support of republican presidents, like we know the ny times did, let's see it. Let them answer for it specifically. These constant smear accusations that are totally evidence free look really bad.

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