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A tool love in this realm is the Unhook Chrome Extension[0]. It simply removes the recommended videos. No home feed, no sidebar, no clickbait. Just a search bar and place to browse your subscriptions. Huge improvement.


Thanks for sharing this. This tool is a very small subset of what I am trying to do with Watchlist.

1) In the current version, you can actually set very flexible notification schedules and use a medium of your choice (email, webpush) to receive the notifications about new videos.

2) You can create lists by cloning YouTube’s playlists and then keep track of your progress by marking them Watched/Unwatched. This is good if you’re taking a course on YouTube.

3) I am working on adding the “tags” functionality which will suggest similar channels to users based on the kind of videos & channels they’ve added.

4) I will also be adding a video summary feature which will send a short summary of the video to you.

I have many more features in mind, just need to get some initial validation of the idea.

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