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Could you support using the Internet Archive as the content source as well?

Would that not be an abuse of the IA's resources? (genuine question, not meant to sound accusatory)

Based on my understanding of this tool, it is simply a playlist generator. This could create playlists of Internet Archive content. If that is inaccurate, I am happy to be corrected.

Generating playlists is one of the things that Watchlist does. Here are a few more: 1) You can actually set very flexible notification schedules and use a medium of your choice (email, webpush) to receive the notifications about new/unwatched videos in a list.

2) You can keep track of your progress by marking the videos in a list Watched/Unwatched. This is good if you’re taking a course on YouTube.

A few things I am building in near future if all goes well: 1) Adding the “tags” functionality which will suggest similar channels to users based on the kind of videos & channels they’ve added.

2) A video summary feature which will send a short summary of the video to you.

This is helpful! I will reach out via email.

Can you please elaborate a little?

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