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Or perhaps that prices are 43% higher as a result of Apple taking their cut.

I would expect such a claim to be backed with facts.

I would expect someone who wants something from someone else to formulate a polite, specific request, and to then submit the request in a manner somewhere on the spectrum between respectfully and deferentially.

Unless I totally misunderstood, and you don't want anything, and are just expressing that the universe failed to live up to your expectations. In which case: my bad, sorry for the misunderstanding!

Where did you get the 43% number is that specific enough?

If Apple's fees cost 30% of the price, then the actual developers who make the software must raise prices to make up for Apple's fees. How much, though?

One might intuitively guess 30%, bringing $1 to $1.30. But Apple will take a cut of this price increase as well: $1.30 * 70% = $0.91, so still losing money to Apple's fees.

The actual amount they must raise the prices is (1 - (1 / 0.7)) = 0.428, or roughly 43%.

Doing this math backwards to factor out Apple's fees yields a confirmation: $1.43 * 70% ≈ $1

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