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This seems to only support windows :(

That's just for emulation, dropping hats using ARM and RI (regular intelligence) should be natively supported on your wetware.

Looks like Red hat might be soon coming.

I can't believe this comment didn't get the attention it deserves.

This isn't reddit and it's generally frowned upon to quip or make puns without any additional substance.

I _am_ very sorry. I just couldn't help myself :). loved to read this blog though haha. Took it much too serious for the most part :')

Is there also a rule specifically against making "this isn't reddit" comparisons too though?

I was contemplating whether to write this for quite a while and in general I wouldn't, because it contributes to a bad signal/noise ratio. And I'm not immune to making some semi-snarky remarks that might not contribute too much, myself. But there's a certain... shall we say _behavior_ I recognise from reddit that made me feel it was warranted.

Why? Is that your job? Why do you feel it's your responsibility to inform people when they have strayed from your idea of what someone else's vision of HN is supposed to be? Do you think it's a useful thing to do or that it brings you some benefit?

It's to my benefit because I'd prefer HN not to turn into what reddit ended up as, as then it'd lose its usefulness for me. I don't think it's my job, no, and hence why this is the first time I've done this. But knowing that the moderators aren't heavy handed around here it falls to the existing community to govern itself to a degree. People are free to flag my message if they feel it's inappropriate.

A minority opinion. Codified and occasionally enforced by moderation, but still a minority opinion.

Everyone loves a joy vacuum.

if i am curious about something and want to learn, i don't want to need to sift through jokes and sarcastic comments. i find joy in learning and people can still be informative and use humor.

I'm frustrated this is getting so much pushback - puns are noise. HN is more enjoyable than reddit precisely because of the higher signal-to-noise ratio. But a significant part of the comments of this post are arguing about how much fun to have in the comments, a complete waste of my time.

We are debating, with hushed academic rigour (well some of us are) an article where the author is talking about how they designed and implemented a system to drop hats out of a window at passers by.


Out of a Window.

For a joke.

Not a cure for cancer.

Not a peace proposal

Not a way to get people out of poverty

Hats. Out. Of. A. Window.

This hushed "no we mustn't pun or mock" type attitude is one of the main drivers of stupid tech fads

It leads to people in positions of power to write down phrases like "This product isn't seen by our customers as a bridge to the metaverse". The product being a fucking chat app with bulletin board built in. At no point did anyone in the room mercilessly rip the piss out of them. And it shows.

This doesn't respond to my previous comment, making it more noise...

The humorlessness is really strong with this one. I caution you not to read the other comments further down lest you catch a hissy fit.

The next drop shipping?

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