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The rationale(s) for creating National Forests are multitude, but one good reason why they exist is in the Northeast the Green Mountain NF and White Mountain NF form the watersheds of multiple important rivers (Hudson, Connecticut, Androscoggin, etc) that are critical for industry and welfare (drinking water, etc). The federal govt recognized this a century ago and put these forests into management without putting them into 100% preservation and as such created a delicate balance between conservation/preservation and commercial and recreational use.

IMO the National Forests are the true jewels of the American conservation system because they set aside some of the most valuable (from a land value perspective) lands in the interest of multiple use.

Right, but the government made a tradeoff with local communities that then don't have a source of property taxes, the standard mechanism in the United States for local community funding. Believe me those of us that chose to live in forests in the modern world that pushes everyone to cities are making big compromises because we LOVE the forests. We also love our children and would like to be able to afford public schools to educate them.

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