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Amish Technology (etown.edu)
15 points by Stratoscope 5 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Fun fact: If current birthrate trends hold, in 200 years approximately 100% of the American population will be Amish.

Well, that would've been a lot more interesting if it had so much as hyperlinked the references...

I live in the Amish country. AMA

America? There are many Amish enclaves here. There is no "the" Amish country.

I shop at an Amish grocery store. Lots of us "English" do. It's worth dealing with the curt, standoff-ish service for good food at reasonable prices.


Kind of an extreme position. How many Amish do you know? Ever had an Amish family as next-door neighbors? I grew up in an area that now has a lot of Amish. My in-laws had them as neighbors.

You can’t paint all Amish groups with the same brush. Different communities can have highly different rules and norms. And, Amish are like any other community of sufficient size - there are a percentage of honorable folk and a percentage of scoundrels and a vast middle just trying to get along.

And it isn’t impossible to leave. I know several Amish that have “gone English”. Not an easy decision, but it is not a trap.

I did indeed grow up around the Amish. They would go to our school until their parents pulled them out.

You are correct that they will allow people to leave. But with a limited education, no friends or support network outside of their community, no funds, and everyone that they know will refuse to even acknowledge their existence, it’s not really a choice.

In my experience those that go English seek out siblings or cousins that have already gone English and find a support network that way. I am not saying it is easy, though.

I spent the last week in Amish country driving essentially Amish roads and neighborhoods all hours of the day.

Friday evening I encountered Amish James Dean. Young single guy in a cart powered by a single horse. He was swanging all over the road, popping in and out of the ditch on purpose with a scowl on his face.

It was crazy. They are usually all smiles and waves.

First they came for the Amish, but I did not say anything because I was not Amish

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