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I think the end goal is control of food production:

1. Introduce artificial meat that only large corporations can make

2. Ban natural meat as artificial alternative exists

3. Jack up the prices and profit

That’s actually super hilarious given the conglomeration that has occurred already anyway.

Turns out you can just skip both the incredible engineering problem of lab grown meat and the incredible political problem of “banning meat” and even people who are apparently paranoid about corporate/government control will just go right along with it.

Most of the meat consumed in the US already comes from a large corporation. 99% of it is factory farmed.

Source: https://ourworldindata.org/how-many-animals-are-factory-farm...

Reality is the opposite with the agriculture and beef lobbies influencing government and cultured meat facing outright bans

however, agriculture and beef lobbies don't demand a ban on small farms and individual cattle raising.

A perpetual goal of all civilization has been control of food production, without which we reliably starve to death.

I mean yeah. You can basically judge political/economic system by how many famines they have.

Yeah, that already happens in the current world with current corporations. You just don't notice because you're too busy consuming.

And I dont mean this in an angry environmentalist way. There are a lot of people who dont pay attention to their current food chain and don't know just how tightly most of the brands are controlled by a select group of companies.

So before jumping to future conspiracies, look at what you're in now:



I eat some of the above foods, so I'm not some anticorporate person.

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