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They are not comparable. There's a prevalent metaphor which imagines the brain as a digital computer. However, this is a metaphor and not actual facts. While we have some good ideas on how the brain works on higher levels (recommended reading Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman) we do not really have any ideas on the lower levels. As the essay I link below mentions, for example, when attending a concert, our brain changes so that later it can remember it but two brains attending the same concert will not change the same way. This make modelling the brain really damn tricky.

This complete lack of understanding is also why it's completely laughable to think we can do AGI any time soon. Or perhaps ever? The reason for the AI winter cycle is the framing of it, this insane chase of AGI when it's not even defined properly. Instead, we should set out tasks to solve -- we didn't make a better horse when we made cars and locomotives. No one complains these do not provide us with milk to ferment into kumis. The goal was to move faster, not a better horse...


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