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>we spend out time having fun and learning about the world is a side effect

I think the part of this that resonates as most true to me is how this reframes learning in a way that tracks truth more closely. It's not all the time, 100% of the time, it's in fits and starts, its opportunistic, and there are long intervals that are not active learning.

But the big part where I would phrase things differently is in the insistence that play in and of itself is not a form of learning. It certainly is, or certainly can be, and while you're right that it's something other than Borg-like accumulation I think there's still learning happening there.

Sorry I didn't mean to imply that learning isn't part of play, I just don't believe the end goal of life is to "train". I think if you're an AI researcher it would make sense that life is about training. However I think it's just fashion.

I always think if we could built an AGI, it would probably enjoy some form of play too. It would need to invent some level of excitement, else it would just be a machine with no ambition, no inspiration.

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