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I’m a local LLM elite who stopped using chat mode whatsoever.

I just go into the notebook tab (with an empty textarea) and start writing about a topic I’m interested in, then hit generate. It’s not a conversation, just an article in a passive form. The “chat” is just a protocol of in a form of an article with a system prompt at the top and “AI: …\nUser: …\n” afterwards, all wrapped into a chat ui.

While the article is interesting, I just read it (it generates forever). When it goes sideways, I stop it and modify the text in a way that fits my needs, in a recent place or maybe earlier, and then hit generate again.

I find this mode superior to complaining to a bot, since wrong info/direction doesn’t spoil the content. Also you don’t have to wait or interrupt, it’s just a single coherent flow that you can edit when necessary. Sometimes I stop it at “it’s important to remember …” and replace it with a short disclaimer like “We talked about safety already. Anyway, back to <topic>” and hit generate.

Fundamentally, LLMs generate texts, not conversations. Conversations just happen to be texts. It’s something people forget / aren’t aware of behind these stupid chat interfaces.

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