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Many distros come with Ruby standard, it's not very big and I think it has a lot to recommend it over Python or Perl when it comes to lightweight scripting for sysadmins and day to day automation. I wouldn't necessarily pull it into an open source project where they weren't already present, but I would definitely choose it for personal use well before Python or Perl

Ubuntu, Debian, Arch, CentOS - none of these, as far as I know, ship with a Ruby interpreter by default. I’d like to be wrong, but I don’t think many do.

It's been a while since I reinstalled Ubuntu, but the latest version (24.04 LTS) definitely includes Ruby (3.2) according to their docs [0].

[0] https://canonical.com/blog/canonical-releases-ubuntu-24-04-n....

It's in the repos, but not installed by default.

Not on my Fedora box either.

And Python 3 is everywhere

It might be installed by default from the graphical CD, but you can't assume everybody uses that, even outside of server environments.

Does Arch even ship with Python by default? Its whole thing is being minimalist by default and letting you customize what is and is not installed.

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