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I think this is actually addressed in the article:

> The key question for the designer is, “What would the system’s structure need to be so that <some feature> would be no harder to implement than necessary?” (It’s a bit surprising when designers don’t ask this question, instead simply asking, “What should the design look like?”—for what purpose?)

During my career, I have been in many situations where the SW architects tried to answer the second question: as if the architectural cleanliness was the goal unto itself. Software design patterns were misused, unneeded abstractions abounded everywhere, class hierarchies were created 15+ levels deep. There it was often brought up which is better and nicer and cleaner because the metric was aestetics.

Most of those arguments, however, are quickly brought to a stop, if we are actually asking the first question: how hard is it to add these new features? That said, I was frequently unable to convince coworkers in my past employments, that aestetics of the design is not the goal. They simply clung to it, to somewhat religious extent, identifying themselves with their "artwork".

I have concluded that smaller is better and straightforward is better. I think it’s easier to scale up a small system than to maintain a complex system that was built for scale from the ground up but usually got some things wrong because the requirements at the time weren’t clear.

But in the end there is never a clear answer. I am happy when people can explain what the positives and also the drawbacks of a design are. Pointing at “best practice” without explaining pros and cons is usually a big red flag.

Indeed, could not agree more. Also, using composition over inheritance is age old advice but that still did not prevent those architectural astronauts from creating inheritance structures 15+ levels deep. Luckily, newer languages make constructing such monstrosities harder and discouraged.

"Luckily, newer languages make constructing such monstrosities harder and discouraged."

They just encourage constructing monstrosities of a different kind. I don't think people who do stupid things in one paradigm will do any better in another paradigm. I see that a lot in the microservice vs monolith debate. If you can't manage a monolith you will also screw up microservices.

Just having a huge bikeshedding festival at work after I wrote this sentence into guidelines...

The worst thing is how hard it is to talk about it because all the books - by authors making more money from talking about software than from writing and maintaining code - recommend it, and it's just so SOLID and Hexagonal and looks obviously intuitively correct.

Can you elaborate, you have piqued my interest :)

The sentence for preferring "composition over inheritance" for code reuse is in the book by the gang of four (the design patterns book). I really don't understand how we ended up in the situation, where 30 years old advice is still valid and still not followed. I lay, perhaps too much, blame on Java, which seems to have this baked into its infrastructure, but similar approaches have also been adopted in C++ with multiple inheritance making things even worse.

I mean, SOLID, when used appropriately, is also valid. The problem is that the design patterns are used where a simpler solution would work just as well.

This is exactly the problem - the advice is valid, but the developers can't see their implementation is not, and my examples of maintainable code seemingly go against the advices.

They think their huge class diagrams and statically unverifiable mess of many structurally identical classes (in Typescript) is an example of DRY, composition, separation of concerns, inversion of control and encapsulation - all the great advice neatly packed into 50 files opaquely interconnected through dependency injection containers, where a simple 100 line function would have done the job and wouldn't cause a major headache for the poor guy who has to fix a bug in 3 years.

The root issue is that these guys never were the poor guy who has to fix a bug after 3 years. They moved on after a year or two of "implementing best practice approaches" to the next job.

> "What would the system’s structure need to be so that <some feature> would be no harder to implement than necessary?"

This sounds good, but in my direct experience it is really really hard.

For example, sometimes you have a feature that is really easy to add. Just add a new argument or keyword or command and implement it in the guts.

But every once in a while you get a beautiful architecture that has a "direction" to it. And a horrendous requirement comes along and breaks everything. For example, port it to macos. Or add and call this third-party library. Or break it up into an SDK, a CLI and a web service.

sigh. guess that's why this kind of career keeps you on your feet.

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