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Ask HN: Google safebrowsing lists cloudfront.net as distributing malware?
1 point by dholowiski on June 6, 2012 | hide | past | favorite
http://google.com/safebrowsing/diagnostic?site=cloudfront.net/ Cloudfront.net is the domain used by Amazon AWS's Cloudfront service, is listed in Google's 'safebrowsing' as distributing malware. Due to this, one of our sites is being blocked by overzealous firewall software (because we utilize cloudfront). I can't find any references to this happening to other people, on Amazon's site, forums, or even searching google. Has anyone run into this issue? Is there anything, short of turning it off, that we could do?

To make it clear, our site is not blocked, but we deliver assets through cloudfront, and that IS blocked.

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