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See LightHugger's comment and my response below:


They are aware it is not a complete solution. As the article quotes him:

> “The measures we have taken will not change the situation in one day. These things take time. But with these measures we are reaching a turning point”

While some of the chosen phrasing in the article does read rather ideological, as you quoted, that could just as easily be the bent of the writer.

Your comment itself is actually more ideological and unfactual than anything in the article…

> In this case, facts and logic, being so inconvenient to ideological and political forces, likely had nothing to do with the decision.

Neither OP nor you nor any other commenter thus far has pointed out any factual inaccuracies. And nothing about the measure is illogical since incremental changes are still a step in their desired direction. And how did you determine their “likely” reasoning from a single article alone? Again, as quoted, they are aware their concerns are not fully addressed by this action alone.

One can be a political actor and still be factual and logical. Claiming otherwise is illogical and untrue. And doing so to diminish a policy you do not like …well that’s ideological and political.

This is red-baiting. Every politician is politically motivated and doesn't actually say anything about why it's bad to ensure people have housing and keep out obnoxious airbnb tourists from residential areas.

Spooky scary socialists, send shivers down your spine. Free healthcare will shock your soul, seal your deed tonight.

> This is red-baiting.


Looking at my comment with the benefit of hindsight, I think you're right.

While I still think the mayor's decision is... shortsighted, I've deleted my comment, as I no longer think it contributes much to the discussion.

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