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GitHub – Karpathy/LLM101n: LLM101n: Let's Build a Storyteller (github.com/karpathy)
61 points by bilsbie 83 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

This appears to just be a README and nothing else

For anyone who wants a sneak peak at what the content will be, Andrej Karpathy already has a series on videos on youtube that covers roughly the first half of the list here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMj-3S1tku0&list=PLAqhIrjkxb...

Starts with building micrograd to build an understanding of how pytorch understands how to calculate gradients, then it proceeds all the way to making a gpt-2 clone.

Looks like this is an effort to reorganize and build on that existing work.

I made something similar, which works really well:


Mine includes the source.

Get in touch if anyone is interested in teaming up and going through this when it’s realized.

I can’t keep motivated by myself. A group would be really fun. We could discuss each video and keep a timeline.

I’m down. Here’s my discord: rambdr

Excellent news!!! This are wonderful times.

Just heard it on hackathon in Berkeley. That is awesome

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