I think LangChain basically tried to do a land grab, insert itself between developers and LLM's.
But it didn't add significant value and seemed to dress it up by adding abstractions that didn't really make sense.
It was that abstraction gobbledygook smell that made me cautious.
They’ve been growth hacking the whole time pretty much, optimizing for virality. Eg integrating with every ai thing under the sun, so they could publish a seo-friendly “use gpt3 with someVecDb and lang chain” page, but for every permutation you can think. Easy for them to write since langchains abstractions are just unnecessary wrappers. They’ve also had meetups since very early on. The design seems to make langchain hard to remove since you’re no longer doing functional composition like you’d do in normal python - you’re combining Chains. You can’t insert your own log statements in between their calls so you have to onboard to langsmith for observability (their saas play). Now they have a DSL with their own binary operators :[