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"I feel like an appropriate response is to ask why they haven't done it."

The average user can't program let alone build an operating system. The same way the average driver cannot build a car. Or smartphone users cannot build a smartphone.

Users have requirements of their tech and the more experienced they become the more they reqire of their tech. The trouble is that with the monopolies that run Big Tech their monopolistic practices give them little incentive to provide features that benefit users, instead the new features benefit them.

I could give you numerous examples of software that requires new features but no attempt has been made in decades to add them. Take Windows, whatever happened to the WinFS file system? It's sorely needed but MS and Big Tech generally want users to use Cloud storage and that benefits them, WinFS would help sidestep that. Windows and Windows Explorer need major extensions to the file attributes sysyem, Explorer needs major ergonomic enhancements to make file manipulation easier, and that's just for starters.

Without real competition none of this will occur, not even Linux and Apple can fix this because of their differences, they too are moribund in their own ecosystems for the sane reason.

Meanwhile, users like me have unfulfilled needs that are quite technically within the means of existing computers and well within the capabilities of tech companies to provide but these needs still remain unfulfilled after decades.

That we are nearly 80 years into the computer revolution and users still cannot perform simple basic tasks on a PC that have been straightforward commonplace operations in a paper-based filing system for hundreds of years just isn't good enough.

The fact is it's impractical for users of modern tech to start from scratch just because Big Tech doesn't fix bugs or add much-needed features. Unfortunately, attitudes like yours do not help.

Marx once said workers need command of production, these days I'd alter that to users need command of production so they can get the necessaries to do what they need to do.

>Marx once said...

Why anyone, reads, or cares at all about Marx, is beyond me. The guy was the biggest fucking loser bum to ever exist. He was constantly hitting up family for money, never had a real fucking job, was an absolute slob of a human being, treated is children like dog shit, and in general was too impressed by his own "intelligence".

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