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If you want to check if your password is in there:

    read -s a
    zgrep $(echo -n "$a" | sha1sum | cut -d' ' -f1 | \
      sed -e 's/^...../00000/') combo_not.zip
    unset a

According to jgrahamc's investigation, this will probably check if your password is there and is cracked already. To check if the hash is there, although uncracked yet, you should probably remove the sed call from pipeline.

Oh. You're right, I missed that. New command line:

    read -s a; zgrep --color -E $(hash=$(echo -n "$a" | sha1sum | cut -d' ' -f1); echo -n "$hash|$(echo $hash | sed -e 's/^...../00000/')" ) combo_not.zip ; unset a

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