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My Dad was at the forefront of the computer revolution. He talked about sharing time with Seymour Cray at his computer lab at the University of Minnesota. He said whenever Cray would show up on campus, it was like Mick Jagger or some other rock star type. People would flock to be around him and ask him questions.

He then worked alongside Cray and sold many of his computers when they were both at Control Data. He has a ton of stories of how he would go into huge companies like 3M and tell them everything they knew about data storage was about to change. He said their jaws would drop when he gave them numbers on how much they were going to save by using the new Cray computers.

Its very cool and nostalgic to hear people doing these projects and keeping the early days of the computer revolution alive.

I really feel like Cray was a larger than life person with any of the stories I've read. It really makes me wonder why no one has made a docudrama movie about him...hmm

I had the opportunity to work for Seymour Cray when he split off Cray Computer Corp. from Cray Research in ‘89 and a bunch of us moved to Colorado Springs. He was a fairly quiet and intense guy, always focused on whatever the “pacing item” of the project happened to be that day.

How many tens of thousands of computer architects... how many millions of creative ideas....

..and how Few people actually came up with anything which really moved the needle.

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