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>'m pretty sure you told the GP how they should or should not interact with others by telling them not to use acronyms. I'm don't understand how that's any different.

Except I did nothing of the sort. I took the information given and attempted to interpolate (unsuccessfully, I might add) what OP was talking about.

While I did make the point that OP should have realized that others don't know what they're talking about if they don't tell us, I most certainly didn't say they shouldn't use acronyms.

Rather, I chastised them for not defining ambiguous terms, which wasted my time and energy trying to figure out what they were going on about.

>I took the information given and attempted to interpolate (unsuccessfully, I might add) what OP was talking about.

You could have used your brain and just Googled "TEE Android". But by all means, despite not having either the domain-specific knowledge nor the common sense to manage to Google it competently, feel entitled to be an arse about it. I trust you can read my tone here?

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