You'd need a bunch of those chips to make good use of a bunch of 6.0 lanes on the CPU, and at that point you're paying so much for the converters that I'm skeptical it would almost ever be worth it.
I expect consumer machines to keep doing some conversion and expansion in the chipset, but nowhere else. I expect servers to directly attach almost everything and drop down to smaller lane counts for large numbers of devices.
It's worth noting that when Kioxia first put out PCIe 5.0 EDSFF drives, they were marketing them as being optimized for 2 lanes at the higher speed.
I expect consumer machines to keep doing some conversion and expansion in the chipset, but nowhere else. I expect servers to directly attach almost everything and drop down to smaller lane counts for large numbers of devices.
It's worth noting that when Kioxia first put out PCIe 5.0 EDSFF drives, they were marketing them as being optimized for 2 lanes at the higher speed.