So, it's still bits all the way down? Whether we're talking about app, IP, or LL it's always bits/s, each level bringing a cost due to encapsulation. And then at PHY there's baud.
Is non-ISO unit "T" / "transfer" a marketing term or really specialised jargon? "transfer" just doesn't click in my mind, at best "a transfer" (countable) is about moving a sizeable aggregate chunk that has some semantic meaning, not a single fundamental quantum of information.
Unrelated: "gigatesla per second" is such a mind-boggling unit.
Also, another common usage of transfers/second is with RAM. DDR5 6000MHz RAM is actually 6000MT/s, and the clock actually runs at 3000Hz ("DDR" == "double data rate").
Is non-ISO unit "T" / "transfer" a marketing term or really specialised jargon? "transfer" just doesn't click in my mind, at best "a transfer" (countable) is about moving a sizeable aggregate chunk that has some semantic meaning, not a single fundamental quantum of information.
Unrelated: "gigatesla per second" is such a mind-boggling unit.