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Not so sure it is that clear cut. A few infamous stories of bug bounties not getting paid for even trivial amounts

So it is $2 million x probability payment vs $100 million x probability escape without getting caught.

Even with the threat of non-payment, not sure I could ever feel at ease with a multimillion bounty hanging over my head.

I think there is another factor that some people would pay every penny they have to not go to prison for a meaningful length of time.

Yeah, I think stealing that kind of money pretty much guarantees that you'll need to be paranoid for the rest of your life. I wouldn't take that for any amount.

People keep saying that, but not even one case is documented.

These chains are created by startups with VC money, they are not going to hire hitmans.


It's not so much the projects themselves who are a threat, but the thousands (?) of random individuals whose value is stolen.

North Korea might. Silk Road went under due to attempting to hire one.

The more likely concern is that someone will sell you out to any of the numerous governments who feel you wronged them. Leading to decades of life in prison.

I wouldn't expect there to be documented cases yet. The hypothetical case in question is a hacker taking hundreds of millions of dollars, not being caught initially, but then being caught years later. Crypto as a whole is just 15 years old, and it's only really been hot for under a decade. There have only been a handful of cases with such large dollar amounts, and most occurred in the last 5 years. And I expect most of the people who pull this off will be properly paranoid.

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