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Gnoramus et gnorabimus? (Personal preference: H13.)

But if we were physicists H₁₅ would have a rich inner life https://physics.aps.org/articles/v13/142

and if we were (Jungian?) psychologists, having a rich inner life and being very unstable would be perfectly compatible.

"Gnoramus et gnorabimus?" is absolutely gusting, btw...

So, getting back to lava[0], IIRC I'd already admitted that I needed a weak[1] rhyme for 'Schwoaba' (and having already used most of my mental bandwidth finding 'gutsy' as a syllable-truncation of 'valiant'). But why even mention the valiant Swabian? Because, like grue[2], a Schwabenstreich[3]'s denotation has spatiotemporal bifurcation: outside of Swabia, it's a dumb, ridiculous, idiotic move; inside of Swabia, it's a sly move with a good outcome.

This reminded me strongly of a paragraph from Funakoshi (冨名腰 義珍):

  When birds of prey are attacking,
    they fly in low without extending their wings.
  When wild beasts are about to attack,
    they crouch low with their ears close to their heads.
  Similarly, when a sage is about to act,
    he always appears slightly dull.
By looking at the untranslated original[4,5] (1935)[6], we can see by the lack of hiragana that he's probably quoting a chinese source[7,8].

After having translated to simplified characters, and thanks to a literary search engine, I found the referent[9]:

Which is attributed[A] to Jiang Ziya[B], someone who at first appeared to be taking the Grothendieck Option, but turned out merely to have been waiting for the right delta to strike price in order to exercise the Kolmogorov Option, all along.

Did Jiang follow his own advice?

[0] or magma, as it's called when it's at home

[1] having "rhymed" 'repeats' with 'feet'

[2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_riddle_of_induction#Grue_a...

[3] https://als.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schwabenstreich#Konnotation

[4] https://web.archive.org/web/20140223235036/http://www.hawaii...

[5] in the earlier "8 important phases of Karate" https://archive.org/details/karate-do-kyohan_202203/page/248... I'm not sure what the first 2 are supposed to convey other than the constant waxing and waning (would we now say chaotic time evolution?) of relative concentration, relative strength and weakness, etc? However, all of the last 6 I've encountered in more than one —western origin— agonistic context as well.

[6] note that to better appeal to a mainland audience, by this date Karate (唐手 "Tang[chinese] hand") has already been rebranded as Karate (空手 "empty hand")

[7] indeed, "Shotokan" as the name of the school derives from Gichin's pen name, Shōtō (松涛 "pine billow")[C]

[8] actually Shōtō faithfully gives us the source:《六韬·武韬·发启》but for some reason (Japanese pariochialism? The cold war? or just plain ignorance, as the facing page implies, that the circles indicated sources?) his translator forgot to include it?

[9] https://m.zuowenxue.com/mingju/3069.html

[A] even if the book[D] in which this appears dates from 500 years after its supposed author, as the english wp page suspects, it's still worthwhile advice from ~2'500 years bp.

[B] who achieved literary immortality in at least two other ways: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/姜太公釣魚——願者上鉤#Idiom and https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/姜太公封神——漏了自己

[C] one suspects Funakoshi had the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Treasures_of_the_Study#Fo... in his study?

  文 房 四 寶:
I see that 松 was also the "top grade" of a tripartite rating system (pine, bamboo, rattan: similar to our gold, silver, bronze for a relatively metal-poor society?); Funakoshi studied two other schools of karate before inventing what we know as Shotokan[E], so might his pupils have named the dojo "Shotokan" not only after him, but also with the idea that it (pine) improved upon its (bamboo and rattan) ancestors?

[D] https://zh.wikisource.org/wiki/六韜#豹韜 . I have yet to delve into this, but supposedly a fair amount of it is supposed to be about first (a) laying the groundwork, and then (b) reaping the rewards when[F] the moment is propitious.

[E] in which he never awarded himself more than a 5-dan; see the 2nd idiom in [B].

[F] compare von Seydlitz, or Grothendieck's "when the time is ripe, hand pressure is enough"?


Missed a step on the staircase, but as the classy Soviets might not have said,

All should start with 'G'


Now to immerse in your bit of rising sea (of lava???涛? https://nobu-tokyo.com/how-to-enjoy-suicide-forest/ >The two lakes Saiko lake and Shojin lake were the edge of lava and were the part of Semoumi.

This was reported to the Imperial Court at the time and was documented. )


Maybe the precious metals are despised for their wanton shininess. Rocks are fine. Steel is functional.


JZY famed for his expeditions against the common enemy (the Eastern Barbarians)? Reportedly enffeoffedd for this.

16. 君不肖,则国危而民乱;君贤圣,则国安而民治。祸福在君,不在天时。


18. 全胜不斗,大兵无创。

That's the simplified version of 發啟第十二 from your [D]

1. Cultivate virtue 2. ??? 3. Profit

Although 不在天时 suggests that the sovereign can engage at a time fully of his choosing, contra vS. (though maybe concurrent with Sasha)

This is already (!!!???) contradicted in the expansion: 太公曰:「王其修德以下賢,惠民以觀天道。天道無殃,不可先倡;人道無災,不可先謀。

I'm reading those last 16 (out of context, with minimal hanzi-fu) as:

天道無殃,heaven's-way no harm

不可先倡;cannot initiate

人道無災,people's-way no disaster

不可先謀。cannot plan

(Following the) way of heaven: come out unscathed, but we (neither heavenly nor omniscient) can't even start upon this path. (Following the) way of humanity: (suffer setbacks but) no disasters, we (can trace out these paths by seizing* opportunities and avoiding calamities, but) can't plan (our exact steps in advance).

Circling back to Turing: the gods can solve the halting problem, but we just have to evaluate the small-step semantics and see what happens?

* "techniques will occur when a void is found"

No, in context it's totally different. My bad, sorry!

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