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that's what i'm talking about too, but yeah, i don't agree that there's a finite set of 'basics'; i think it's dependent on how much you can afford. for 50 years that's changed only very slowly in rich countries, and now it's about to change faster than it did 200 years ago, not because of the kinds of slow efficiency improvement at the point of energy consumption, but because of photovoltaic panels

things that already exist but could get much cheaper due to cheaper energy might include ai, as you suggest, but also personal computers, oocyte cryopreservation, ecm machining, space travel, weekly air travel, personal helicopters, atmospheric carbon capture, caribbean cruises, making things out of aluminum or titanium instead of plastic, cnc machining rather than casting or stamping, cars, buildings, photovoltaic panels themselves, etc. and presumably there are other things that haven't been invented yet because they'd be uneconomic

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