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I will admit that I really miss the "value semantics" thing that RAII gives you when working in Zig. A good example is collections, like hash tables or whatever: ownership is super clear in C++/Rust. When the hash tables goes away, all the contained values goes away, because the table owns its contents. When you assign a key/value, you don't have to consider what happens to the old key/value (if there was one), RAII just takes care of it. A type that manages a resource has value semantics just like "primitive" types, you don't have to worry.

Not so in Zig: whenever you deal with collections where either the keys or values manages a resource (i.e. does not have value semantics), you have to be incredibly careful, because you have to consider lifetimes of the HashMap and the keys/values separately. A function like HashMap.put is sort of terrifying for this reason, very easy to create a memory leak.

I get why Zig does it though, and I don't think adding C++/Rust style value semantics into the language is a good idea. But it certainly sometimes makes it more challenging to work in.

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