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Given Helen Keller's grasp of language, touch alone must be enough to learn language.

I've often wondered if there aren't some structures in the brain, that have been selected for since the advent of language, that are good at learning up languages.

This is one of the most discussed and argued ideas in all of linguistics and philosophy. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/innateness-language/

Indeed. I'm reminded of the time a childhood friend essentially discovered the inverted spectrum argument[1]. That is, we can't know if my qualia when perceiving the color red doesn't match yours of the color blue.

We were unfortunately young and in poor company, so the idea didn't receive the appropriate attention.

[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qualia#Inverted_spectrum_argum...

I think Carl Sagan discusses this topic in "Broca's Brain".


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