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the great thing about knowing how to read early on is that you can read things adults write for other adults, so you can tell when what adults say to you contradicts it. which it does, a lot

condemning a 4-year-old to mostly interact with other 4-year-olds is appalling. other 4-year-olds are ignorant, impulsive, insensitive, and often cruel. everyone deserves the ability to ground themselves in the adult world, and literacy is a crucial tool for doing so, because books can't discriminate against you the way adults will

you cannot gravitate toward pursuits you don't know about. deliberately keeping a child ignorant is detestable

and none of this takes away from play; play does not depend on ignorance but on imagination

>condemning a 4-year-old to mostly interact with other 4-year-olds is appalling. other 4-year-olds are ignorant, impulsive, insensitive, and often cruel

I don't understand your point. Other 4 year olds are ignorant/impulsive/insensitive but not yours?

>everyone deserves the ability to ground themselves in the adult world

As a children I had zero interest in doing that. There may be children way different than I was, but I think speech, ability to express emotion, self-worth, etc are way more important for this than (very) early reading skills.

>deliberately keeping a child ignorant is detestable

Come on, nobody talks about raising an analphabete children. The topic was about (not) speeding up the learning process extremely, and (not) leting kids learn this skill at a more usual pace.

> Other 4 year olds are ignorant/impulsive/insensitive but not yours

no, all 4-year-olds are. it's a major reason adults discriminate against them. but it becomes much worse when it's not just you but everyone around you

> leting kids learn this skill at a more usual pace.

for almost all of human history, the usual pace left adults unable to read without moving their lips, or at all. either the pace you're used to is suboptimal, or that one was, but more likely both. to know which direction is better, you have to listen to people whose experiences diverge significantly from what is usual. there are lots of us here in this thread, and we're unanimously telling you that what is usual is below what is optimal. so far below, i'd say, that you could reasonably call it institutionalized child abuse

I remember in 2nd grade I was sent to the principals office and was then, for whatever reason left alone. to sit there for about 2 or 3 hours. I quickly got bored and discovered a box of American history books under the chair I was told to sit in.

The books were completely uncensored early American history, I am still not sure what the heck they were doing in an elementary school. When I say uncensored, it was raw brutal rape and pillage history.

At the time I read around a high school level, about a year later I'd be tested at college level.

I spent the next 2 or 3 hours engrossed in a text about the founding of America. It was one of those foundational experiences for me, and it was only possible because of I was reading far above my grade level.

(Fwiw I learned to read playing final fantasy on the NES and going through the strategy guide well over a hundred times! No Anki needed!)

> I don't understand your point. Other 4 year olds are ignorant/impulsive/insensitive but not yours?

There always has to be someone pretending to not understand.

Exactly. And kids should play with more than just the one age group.

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