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I don't think your response is appropriate. Narrow domain "superintelligence" is around us everywhere-- every PID controller can drive a process to its target far beyond any human capability.

The obvious way to incorporate good search is to have extremely fast models that are being used in the search interior loop. Such models would be inherently less general, and likely trained on the specific problem or at least domain-- just for performance sake. The lesson in this article was that a tiny superspecialized model inside a powerful transitional search framework significantly outperformed a much larger more general model.

Use of explicit external search should make the optimization system's behavior and objective more transparent and tractable than just sampling the output of an auto-regressive model alone. If nothing else you can at least look at the branches it did and didn't explore. It's also a design that's more easy to bolt in varrious kinds of regularizes, code to steer it away from parts of the search space you don't want it operating in.

The irony of all the AI scaremongering is that if there is ever some evil AI with some LLM as an important part of its reasoning process if it is evil it may well be so because being evil is a big part of the narrative it was trained on. :D

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