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I think they are saying that you need to switch to 199.999... lbs/s for all the 200 lbs/s burns, not just the last one.

Just trying to clarify where you seem to be speaking past each other, though it seems that this might simply lead to a non-optimal strategy (i.e. taking more time to land than theoretically possible, however minute the difference is).

  >switch to 199.999... lbs/s for all the 200 lbs/s burns, not just the last one
That's not it. See here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40685081

speaking of speaking past each other

> and then replace one of the subsequent 200 lbs/second inputs with 199.99999999 lbs/second

> replace one

indeed not the last one, but no, not "all"

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