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Funniest part from the notes!

"And then there’s the probably apocryphal story about Columbus on the voyage to the New World. Everybody thought that the world was much smaller than it actually was and that they were going to China. When they were sailing for what seemed like too long without hitting China, the crew wanted to turn back. Columbus convinced them to postpone mutiny for 3 more days, and then they finally landed on the new continent.

Eric Jonas: Which pretty much makes North America the biggest pivot ever"

I got a good chuckle out of this one as well: "We may end up creating a supercomputer in the cloud that calls itself Zeus and throws down lightning bolts at people." Thiel is hilarious.

I liked this part. What a great class, wish I could attend.

"PayPal, at Luke Nosek’s urging, became the first company in the history of the world that had cryogenics as part of the employee benefits package. There was a Tupperware-style party where the cryogenics company representatives made the rounds trying to get people to sign up at $50k for neuro or $120k for full body. Things were going well until they couldn’t print out the policies because they couldn’t get their dot matrix printer to work. So maybe the way get biotech to work well is actually to push harder on the AI front."

The class is pretty easy to crash, you just show up and sit in the back, there is plenty of room. Parking is pretty easy too.

04/02/2012 - 06/06/2012 Mon, Wed 2:15 PM - 3:45 PM at Annaud

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