It's pretty interesting. I have actually stumbled over this yesterday, because I needed to figure out a way to automate a very specialised and ancient TUI application (think car rental software that is still used worldwide). Meanwhile I've wrote a crude parser for ANSI escape sequences and managed a virtualised screen representation; but I'm also having a fair bit of problems sending commands.
ht seems to be almost "there" for me, and would allow me to easily build a sequence of actions. However, it's kinda missing the color representation, which is also a problem for me: I need to read the color of a specific row/column to know that a specific menu item is selected correctly, and then proceed from this.
ht seems to be almost "there" for me, and would allow me to easily build a sequence of actions. However, it's kinda missing the color representation, which is also a problem for me: I need to read the color of a specific row/column to know that a specific menu item is selected correctly, and then proceed from this.
Let's see to what it can evolve later.