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The interesting question is not the choice between diversity and merit, but how you attract and select the most meritorious candidates in a setting where your company overwhelmingly skews towards one demographic, given that people are more likely to hire others that are similar to them (and conversely, potential candidates are not likely to join companies when there are no people similar to them).

An easy way is to anonymize the interview process. Strip out identifying material in resumes. Conduct Zoom interviews with camera off and a voice modulator. It'd be harder to anonymize performance reviews while working in person, but the application process can be pretty robustly anonymized.

The thing is, when tech companies experiment with putting the proverbial veil between candidates and interviewers they don't get the results they expect: https://interviewing.io/blog/voice-modulation-gender-technic...

> Contrary to what we expected (and probably contrary to what you expected as well!), masking gender had no effect on interview performance with respect to any of the scoring criteria (would advance to next round, technical ability, problem solving ability). If anything, we started to notice some trends in the opposite direction of what we expected: for technical ability, it appeared that men who were modulated to sound like women did a bit better than unmodulated men and that women who were modulated to sound like men did a bit worse than unmodulated women.


Now the burden is on you to provide the many examples of such a company that has been reshaped to the image of those minorities?


We've banned this account because you've continued to break the site guidelines egregiously after we just asked you to stop.


(No, this isn't because of your views — we don't care about them and barely know what they are – and yes, we ban accounts with opposing views in just the same way, if they break the site guidelines the way you've been doing.)


Please don't start or perpetuate flamewars on HN, regardless of how bad another comment is or you feel it is.


Yes, it very much did hit a nerve.

Gumbo does not disclose anything about what group with special privileges you're supposed to be a part of and that's the entire point - I don't want to know. I don't care if you're black, white, or purple. Don't care about your gender, sexuality or personal life either. Never did, never will.

Which is precisely why bringing up minorities when you are just an anonymous jumble of letters and the attempted guilt trip is a bunch of insufferable manipulative hooey. It is not a "fair question" by any stretch of the imagination, you know nothing about me other than I don't subscribe to your garbage worldview.

You already exposed yourself as an insufferable bully with this: "The only people I’ve talked to who oppose DEI efforts were either blatantly sexist/racist"

Nice try. You go place burdens and play these games with people who have patience to put up with your nonsense. Strain as hard as you will to be offended and oppressed, no such luck bud, and absolutely nobody called you any names either.

I don't need you to be upset, your emotional state does not concern me one iota.

Talk about a lack of self control. You are extremely out of line.

You obviously will disrupt every workplace and gathering with tantrums and false accusations whenever you don't get your way. Tough cookies, you ain't getting your way with me no matter what.

"If you don't agree with me you are a bad person" is the most childish kindergarten bullshit imaginable. Take a look in the mirror, enough woke sharia. Enough.

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