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It is weird that everyone has been bashing these features. What is all the negativity? I myself do not like pushing AI into everything but I think this is a great use case for LLMs. And it was already opt-in.

Just tried "find all pdf files larger than 10MB" and it came up with "find . -name "*.pdf" -size +10M". Maybe this was easy but I don't know all arguments of all cli commands by heart and it works beautifully.

Try it for macOS specific things and it chokes. It’ll hallucinate commands, send you shit for Linux, or give you stuff that worked 20 years ago. Find is an old, nearly universal command (good luck on any of the other GNU-utils commands that are 15 years newer than the binaries shipped in macOS).

I have not found an LLM that knows any of that.

When I need a find command, I open `man find` and read and learn.

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